Refund Policy

WVPH VS™ Refund/Return Policy

Our policy lasts 2 days. If 2 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

If you would like to return a product for store credit, replacement, or refund, please email our customer support by email: for a return request. Please provide as many details as possible, including Order #, Full Name, Address, Phone Number, and Reason for the return. If the return is approved, you will get further directions on shipping the package back to us.

WVPH VS™ will accept product returns and provide you with a refund where:

  • The product is faulty or is not of acceptable quality; or
  • The product is not fit for its intended purpose; or
  • The product does not match the sample or our description; and
  • For all refund applications you must present your WVPH VS™ receipt, device serial number as well as adequate proof of purchase.

WVPH VS™ will not accept product returns or provide you with a refund where;

  • The customer determines that the taste of the product does not align with their expectations. 
  • The customer is not able to provide proof (photo/video) of item/s being complained.

WVPH VS™ will issue you either a store credit or a refund for the cost of the missing item/s when claim is proven true after investigation.

Any Cosmetic Damage or Issues with Goods Received Must Be Reported Within 24 Hours of Delivery Confirmation. Reporting of delivery issues outside of this window may not qualify for compensation. Photographic or Video evidence of all issues is mandatory.

Please note that we require you to email/send a video or picture of damaged or defective merchandise prior to sending the items back to help us. This is required to help us understand the issue. We may also email you with troubleshooting steps in an attempt to save you the time of returning the items.

You may return UNOPENED and UNUSED items for a full refund within 2 days of purchase. You may not return E-Juice, liquid products, pods or other consumable products for hygienic reasons and therefore it is NON-REFUNDABLE.


Promotional Term & Conditions:

For returns on promotional items, all items included in the promotion need to be returned. When a promotional item included in the original transaction is not returned, the value of the promotional item will be deducted from the refund amount.

You will be responsible for the shipping cost of any defective promotional item for replacement or return. Shipping charges are NON REFUNDABLE in this instance.

If you decide to return a product and originally received free shipping, you will be responsible for the shipping cost associated with initial delivery. For example, if you received free shipping, but it costs us P69 to ship the product to you, we will deduct P69 from your refund. This may be higher or lower depending on the weight. ALL SHIPPING COSTS ARE NON REFUNDABLE. 

Note: Shipping fee may vary in located areas, this is just an example quotation.

Here are the steps you will want to take:

  1. Contact WVPH VS™ via our "Contact Us" page. Please get approval from us before sending the item. We will send you a return ticket. We may email you after you submit the Return in any attempts of troubleshooting.
  2. Repackage the item including all original parts, packing materials, instructions, etc. Within reason this means that everything must be returned exactly as it was sent to you. We will accept the return of devices without the original packaging once the device serial number has been provided and we have confirmed that it was purchased through us. Poor repackaging or the return of damaged merchandise could result in refusal of your return and loss of any refund or replacement item. DO NOT send items back in regular envelope, this is not sufficient packaging and can cause items to be lost in the mail as the envelopes are not tracked. We recommend items are sent in mailer pouches.
  3. Include a copy of the original receipt in the package.
  4. If you are to receive a refund, it will be issued by WVPH VS™ when the returned item has been received in satisfactory condition. Refunds will be processed within 2 business days of receiving the items. And will be applied directly to the method that was used to make a purchase.
  5. Usually refunds can take up to 5 business days to completely process after the refund has been initiated. Refunds are only issued to the original form of payment on the corresponding order. If you have any questions on our return/refund process, feel free to use the "Contact Us" page.

Please note WVPH VS™ may elect to return the product to the manufacturer's repair agent to determine the nature of the problem. If the product is determined to be faulty, not of merchantable quality, not fit for purpose or not matching a description or sample WVPH VS™ will offer a replacement, exchange or refund. If you cannot present your WVPH VS™ receipt, device serial number or other acceptable proof of purchase WVPH VS™ reserves the right not to offer a refund or exchange.

Where you seek a refund for any item that was purchased as part of a 'deal', WVPH VS™ may refund the price in accordance with deal eligibility. No refund will be given on free items and any refund amount may be recalculated if your return results in deal eligibility no longer being met.

We check all information on our website very carefully. However, an occasional error may occur, or manufacturers might update information we are unaware of. We reserve the right to correct inaccurate information and are not responsible for typographical errors.